WordPress Accessibility Day 2024 Archive

About TPGi

TPGi provides digital accessibility software and services to help businesses reduce risk, grow revenue, and improve user experience.

With over 20 years of experience, TPGi offers the most robust knowledge base and accessibility expertise in the industry, as well as award-winning self-service kiosk software.

Our tailored approach has enabled 1000+ enterprises to achieve the best outcomes for their business, their employees, and their consumers.

Trust the experts to guide your accessibility journey.


Enter to Win a 30-minute Virtual Seminar

TPGi is giving away a 30-minute Virtual Seminar on The Importance and Impact of Digital Accessibility. This session is a great learning opportunity and can help you evangelize accessibility within your organization.

This focused training is an ideal fit for multiple roles and departments within your company, including executives, human resource personnel, developers, marketing team members, and anyone else that is new to digital accessibility.