WordPress Accessibility Day 2024

Gian Wild is a white woman in her 40s, although she looks much younger, she has short blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses and a big smile

Gian Wild (She/Her)




About Gian Wild

Gian Wild is the CEO of AccessibilityOz, with offices in the United States, Europe and Australia. She has worked in the accessibility industry since 1998, when she worked on the very first accessible Australian web site. Her major achievements include: six years’ active membership in the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group contributing to WCAG2; her speech on the importance of web accessibility at the United Nations Conference of State Parties in 2015; and the release of the ICT Mobile Site and Native App Accessibility Testing Guidelines as the Mobile Sub-Committee Chair of the ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium. In 2019, Gian won the inaugural Accessibility Person of the Year in Australia. Gian speaks at conferences in Australia, the US, Canada, South America and Europe.
